
5G has emerged as a communication infrastructure that provides low-latency, high bandwidth, mobility and location accuracy, and security.  A promise of 5G, especially coupled with mobile edge compute (MEC), is to enable more substantial off-loading of onboard processing of end-points provided sufficient quality of service.This infrastructure enables a myriad of applications ranging from interactive media to vehicular and robotic control to wide-area AR/VR interfaces, as in the demonstration shown on the left. This laboratory aims to provide this infrastructure for use by both educational and research communities and explore its potential through the development of novel networked applications.

The Mobile Edge Compute Applications Laboratory is the culmination of support from UCLA’s Information Technology Services (ITS) and industry collaborators. Current industry collaborators include Verizon, Quanta Computing, Ixia and MobiledgeX (Deutche Telecom). We would like to thank our sponsors for their support.

Interested in our research?

We are looking for participants who are interested in working on a server-client platform for controlling remote vehicles or AR/XR experiences over wifi or 5G. Our lab projects involve software development and small platform development with controllers such as Raspberry Pis and cameras. Good programming skills and system development skills are preferred. Software knowledge of Unity, webRTC, gRPC, and familiarity with Linux are not required but can be helpful.  Contact Professor Yang (yangck@ucla.edu) for more information.